Fawn, my 5 lb. fawn colored, puppy mill momma rescue was cordially invited, by my husband, to spend Memorial Day weekend on the sailboat. Well, if truth be told, he invited me but I wasn’t sure if I could find someone to dog sit on short notice. So we just got here, right before the rainstorm. Fawn visited the dog park at the marina and deemed it acceptable to potty. Thank goodness. The condition of her ever coming back is she doesn’t potty on the boat so the pressure is on!
At this point, all we’ve done is unload some supplies, grabbed a beer and hunkered down in the cabin while the wind picks up and the storm rolls in.
Fawn is in her crate with the door open, trying to nap. She has buried her doggies bones in the soft flannel in the crate. She boldly stepped out of the crate over to my lap to get some scratches and give me air kisses.
So far, so good. We’ve been here 30 min.